Our calming lavender scrub is made with infused lavender . It has calming properties & aroma . It exfoliates dead flaky skin & replenishes it with soft moisturized skin .It can be used to prevent ingrown hair by losing up the hair follicles .It helps reduce redness & inflammation on skin . (Safe for face & body )Directions : Apple a scoop to pal of hand while in the shower . Whole skin is cleansed apply the product and gently massage away dead skin for 30 seconds -45 seconds , then rinse off with water .Use 2-3 times for best results .Scrub might get a little hard after awhile , since we don't add and preservatives / any artificial softeners . If this happens you could apply a 1-2 teaspoons of purified water and mix in a separate bowl . Then apply back to jar .Enjoy ✨
Calming Lavender Scrub (10.4 oz)